Project feasibility assessment

Pre-project assessment

To create an agriculture mitigation project, we create a long-term plan factoring all aspects of the financials, technical feasibility and sustainability of the project. Thus, before we finalise our engagement, we would do a series of assessments with the partners.

Activity to implement

There are a series of activities from methane abatement, nitrous oxide and soil carbon project possibilities at the farmers’ plot level. We first assess the potential of emission reduction at scale, the cost involved, the effort and expertise required in such case and the capacity required to implement the project. While we ensure utmost rigour and caution is put into this from Kosher’s end, we will make sure our partner is engaged with us at a level which they are required to.

Methodological options

Several methodological options are around that can be applied and each of them comes with its possibilities and limitations. We will do this assessment considering the implementation ability, transparency and also total carbon revenue potential of the project.

Sustainability of the project

Given the long-term nature of the carbon projects, it is necessary that institutional structures, transferable skills, knowledge base and Human Resources are planned effectively. While the pre-project assessment will involve the entire suite of work involved in designing a project, we will prepare a detailed plan with our partner ensuring the deliverables span the entire project period.


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